Letter S April A to Z Challenge #AtoZChallenge

Day 19 April A to Z Challenge my theme is characters from books I’ve read and some audience participation later.

Letter S is for Samuel from The Broken Angel by Monica La Porta


The Broken Angel is book three in the Immortal series, a stand alone novel it was still lovely to re-acquaint myself with some of the characters from the first two books. The books are set in and around Rome and combine chic modern Italy, romantic scenery and a paranormal world.

Book three is about Samuel, a fallen Angel who gave up his responsibility for the souls of new-borns in their journey from the womb to mortal life, all because he fell in love with a human. A Human who rejected him once he’d made his decision and left Samuel shunned for all eternity. Now Samuel is a liaison officer between the paranormal species working at the Immortal Council Headquarters in Rome.

Given a new assignment Samuel must look into Vampire blood-dealing issues. He runs into trouble on the streets where he comes across youngsters high on vampire blood. Disguised as a cripple Samuel is rescued from the fight by Martina Colonna, a human and a lawyer who knows Samuel from her local gym. They are often sparring partners and Samuel has a secret crush on Martina. She’s called the police and they both end up in hospital.

Struggling not to reveal his true identity Samuel is desperate to protect Martina from her violent ex-husband who turns up to discharge Martina, more problems at work pull Samuel away, but he is determined to keep Martina as safe as he possibly can as events in the paranormal world begin to spiral out of control and old adversaries rise again.

I really like this series and Monica writes with finesse from the freshly baked pastries to the La Perla lingerie and the romantic Umbrian countryside. Another winner in my eyes.

Find a copy here from Amazon.co.uk or Amazon.com

For my audience participation I’m asking readers to create book titles using the letter S for the picture below.

A book title and cover picture can often make or break a book sale. Is a book cover eye-catching? Does the book title appeal to the reader?

Have fun creating book titles from my own pictures, you might even think about a genre they could fit.

Ship wreck

In case the picture has you puzzled this is a sunken or beached boat.

Leave your answers in the comments below and I will choose my favourites.

Today’s randomly chosen blog challengers for you to visit.




Welcome – Stories Make the World Go Around


During the challenge we are asking readers to leaves comments, thank you.

Strip banner

23 thoughts on “Letter S April A to Z Challenge #AtoZChallenge

  1. No, I’m not going to say ‘Shipwrecked’…!! Here’s mine….

    Photographer sleuth Sandy Shipman seeks answers: who has been sneaking into the developing room and flattening all his photographs???


  2. Suffocating Sands…in a post apocalyptic world where the seas have dried up and soil erosion turns the land to desert sand takes over sucking everything before it down into its soulless depths…

    …I do like the sound of The Broken Angel and love the cover – I think I already have this on my kindle actually – thanks for the reminder 🙂


  3. I marvel, I more I read review here, how genres have so many levels but still mesh and sound an interesting read. You’re winning me over, Rosie.
    Title: Scrapped &^ spurned. The pirate ship runs aground. Sick, low on food and water, and only two left alive, they make a run for it, but will they survive?


  4. Covers do attract attention. This one sure makes me want to learn more about this character. The story sounds intriguing.


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