Romancing September author Jade Reyner (Day 19)

Day 19 on the Romancing September across the world tour meets author Jade Reyner. First we’ll talk to Jade here on the blog and then in a few hours you can catch up with her again at Stephanie’s blog where they will be looking at writing romance in today’s society.

Jade ReynerLet’s find out more about Jade;

1) Where is your home town?
I live near Swindon in Wiltshire, United Kingdom.
2) How long have you been writing?
I started a creative writing course about a year ago with the intention of writing a novel at the end of it. The idea for my first novel kept begging to be heard though and so I began writing that in February of this year. I am still trying to complete the course but my novel writing has kind of taken over!
3) ‘Twelve Days – The Beginning’ has a powerful book cover. Who designed it?
It was designed for me by a company called Spiffing Covers who are based in the UK. They have done a lot of the conversion work for me as well. I gave them the information and thoughts on colouring etc.. and they did the rest!
4) Could you place this book into a Romance sub-bracket such as thriller/modern/historical?
Yes absolutely. ‘Twelve Days – The Beginning’ and its sequel ‘Twelve Days – The Future’ are romantic thrillers.
5) Does the whole book take place over a twelve day period?
That’s actually a tough question to answer. The simple answer is no, it doesn’t – the book covers a period of approximately six months however ‘Twelve Days’, comes from a defining period of twelve days during which the course of the main characters’ life changes irrevocably. In essence Elise (the main character), meets Vaughn Granger much as you would meet any random stranger. The ensuing twelve days however, causes their lives to become entangled beyond comprehension and ensures that after those twelve days, neither of them will ever be the same again. Thus ‘Twelve Days’ has become the theme for this book and creates the identity for the sequel and the other books that I have planned in the series. Everything that happens subsequently started in those first twelve days.
6) How passionate is the character Elise? What influenced the way that she is?
Elise is your average girl until you begin to peel away the layers, and as the story develops you realise that underneath she is a very passionate woman who has never had the opportunity to fully express herself. She has been conditioned into behaving a certain way over a long period of time (I can’t say too much without giving the plot away!) and when she meets Vaughn, it awakens a part of her that she never thought she would be able to explore. She also realises that she is much stronger than she ever considered herself to be and she begins to experience the passion and value of true love and find the strength to change her life. Not that it’s that simple of course!
7) Will the main characters of Elise and Vaughn be seen in the whole series?
Elise and Vaughn are the main characters in the first two books, ‘Twelve Days – The Beginning’ and ‘Twelve Days – The Future’ as they are the books that follow their story. I have then developed the rest of the series to deliberately focus on the other characters who deserve their own story, so there will be a book for Cole, ‘Twelve Days – Cole’ and then there will be a book for Dale, ‘Twelve Days – Dale’. Both of these books will contain references to Vaughn and Elise but I have deliberately designed it so that with the exception of the first two books, the others can be read as stand alone books. I don’t want the reader to feel pressured to buy all of the books just to finish the story (although obviously I would love them to buy all of them!).
8) How do you plan to carry on the Twelve Days theme in the rest of the series?
‘Twelve Days – The Future’ is the conclusion of Elise and Vaughn’s story and the theme is carried through by virtue of this. With regards to the rest of the series, which at present includes two other books, the plan is for them to be written from the point of view of both Cole and Dale (two major characters) and covering the same twelve day period. This will be achieved by reflecting the events that occurred and their part in them but written from their point of view, so a completely different take on it. Readers have connected with these characters, particularly Cole, and it was clear from early on that he and Dale (and maybe a couple of other characters too) have their own story to tell and need their own book.
9) How have you written the sex in this book? Could I pass it on to my Granny?
Ha ha. What a brilliant question!
The sex scenes are detailed and they were immensely difficult to write – the hardest of all of the scenes to write for me. I wanted to ensure that the reader got right into the story and that required a certain level of detail, particularly with regards to Elise who is on a massive journey of discovery. I have tried to balance out the sex scenes though because the story itself was equally as important to me and I wanted the reader to engage with all of it – not just the naughty bits!
Can you pass it onto your Granny? Hmmm… depends how open minded your Granny is! All I would say is that I am certain I wouldn’t be telling her anything she didn’t already know!
10) Tell us about the next book in the series. When will fans be able to get a copy?
The next book is ‘Twelve Days – The Future’ and is the conclusion of the story of Elise and Vaughn. This expands the story further and moves their journey forwards as they continue to battle both their love for each other and all the negative elements in their lives. This is where all of the questions are answered and some shocking truths are revealed and is just as much of an emotional roller coaster as the first book (although without the cliff-hanger ending!).
I am currently finishing writing it and am hoping to get it published late October time. To keep up with release dates and news etc. then fans can follow my blog at
Cover 2Find a copy of this book here on or
I’d like to say and big Thank you to Jade for being our guest on the blog today and Good luck with the new book. Catch up with Stephanie’s half of meeting Jade here

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